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of Amazon


  • It is estimated that Amazon accounts for at least 50% of all book sales in the United States.

  • In addition to that, Amazon controls at least 67% of the ebook market, while some estimates go over 80%.

  • Amazon’s algorithm-based approach to book recommendation makes it harder for “low profile” books to get discovered.  This impacts books written by marginalized voices if they aren't marked as "best sellers" by Amazon. 

  • By discounting books to lower than wholesale price, Amazon has:

    • cheapened the value of printed and electronic publishing

    • dampened opportunities for new authors and diverse ideas

    • bullyied publishers and its marketplace sellers

  • The overall value of books has decreased due to Amazon's low prices becoming the expectation for shoppers and posing a huge risk to the publishing industry. For instance, the publishing industry faces:

    • Lowering prices to meet the decreased value of books​

    • Cutting expenses such as firing employees and lower book advances to authors

    • Limiting the number of books that they can publish, often cutting needed books for ones that are likely to sell well

We all make mistakes, but Amazon makes them with no remorse…and no stopping. Don’t just avoid Amazon today, but consider spending your money at companies that have integrity, respect for one another, and community-centered practices. It’s the right thing to do and leaves a greater impact on the world!


Read more here and here.

Book How to Resist Amazon and Why


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